Kids' Nature Blog

The Bug Story 1: New Friends


We have been having a lot of fun writing fiction books about insects.

Book 1 “New Friends” is the beginning of the series of 5 books and describes how the main charachters met and started their friendship.

Check out the non-fiction inserts at the end of each book!



  1. Galina

    Мне очень понравилась The Bug story. С интересом жду продолжения. Вы настоящие творцы.

  2. Jyoti Akash

    I loved the book. The house rules are perfect for them to continue to live together as friends. Can’t wait to read the other books. Keep writing Jonathan!

    • Jonathan

      Thank you!! I hope you can read all 5 books!!

  3. Amy Vallath

    Your photo of the tree stump was perfect for the setting and the realistic insects made the story come to life. I could easily image all of characters working out how to live peacefully together. Please keep writing! I will look for more of your books and will certainly read all of them.

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