Kids' Nature Blog

Micro-safari: Rotifera

Rotifera in a drop of aquarium water

We were looking at Triops under the microscope and accidentally saw other creatures that live in their habitat!

I identified them as Infusoria and Rotatoria creatures. This one looks like a Diglena but its tail is longer, so may be it is a Hydatina or Fulcularia, but I am not sure.

Watch this funny video of rotiferas that are swimming. Do you see that something is lurking in the shadows? These are creatures that are swimming above or below the one we are looking at. When we zoom on them, we see they are also rotiferas playing micro-tag. They are so fast!

Look at this one dancing!!

I will also post about infusoria and triops later.


1 Comment

  1. Alexandra

    Great video!

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