The Ender dragon drawing power from End crystals

We built a portal to the End dimension. I placed End portal blocks so that only edges touched. Then, I added the eyes of Ender. That is all you need to do to build the End portal.

At first, the portal did not activate. Then, the portal activated because I fixed a few mistakes. We entered. We saw the Ender dragon at once! Zoe shot snowballs at it, and I was waiting for it to land on a podium to hit it with a netherite sword.

Ender dragon: top view
Ender dragon: side view

We exploded crystals with TNT. We defeated the dragon: It exploded with pink light going out of it and dropped an incredible 12,000 experience points! And it laid a dragon egg!

We explored more and we saw endermen!

A large group of endermen on an island

Tomorrow, we are going to find the End city!
