Kids' Nature Blog

Virophage, the Good Virus




  1. Galina Kovaleva

    Very interesting journey into the invisible world next to us. Very informative. Thanks to the authors.

  2. Alexandra

    This book will make a great action movie…

  3. Amy Vallath

    Wonderful writing, Jonathan! Your took science and blended it brilliantly with fiction. I learned even more about the immune system, thanks to you. Will there be a sequel? What other ideas do you have? I am eager to read more of your writing.

  4. Claire Haft

    Jonathan, your story is so exciting and action packed! Virophage was able to save the day when he learned that he has strengths just like everyone else. What a great message and the illustrations are wonderful! I can’t wait to see what’s next for you.

    ♥, Ms. Haft

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