Kids' Nature Blog

Animals that live in backyards: White-Tailed Deer

White-tailed deer walking in a backyard

I saw this deer with antlers in my backyard!

White-tailed deer are the biggest wild animals in Fairfax county, Virginia.

They do not eat grass. They eat flowers, fungi, and acorns. They have a black line down their necks. Their winter coat is dark brown, and in summer it is yellowish brown.

Males are called bucks and females are called does. Fawns have a spotted pattern that looks like light through the trees, so they could hide in the forests. Their mothers leave them for the day while they eat wild flowers, fungi, and acorns and bring back milk.

White-tailed deer are most active at night. During the day, they mostly chew on their cuds (regurgitated food they had burped out).


1 Comment

  1. Alexandra

    They eat my flowers. It is very sad…

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