Kids' Nature Blog

Animals that live in backyards: Red Fox

A Red Fox visiting my backyard

This fox visits my backyard often.

Foxes are predacious omnivores. They eat birds and small mammals such as mice, grey squirrels, and raccoons. Sometimes, they eat fruit and vegetables, fish, or frogs. They ate all of the rabbits that used to live in our backyard when I was little.

Foxes are smart and can hear an animal hiding underground. They can hear a mouse from 40 feet away. They can pounce and catch a mouse that is hiding under 3 feet of snow!!

If you like, you can look at pictures and read more about foxes here.



  1. Sasha

    Such a large fox! Nice shot! 🙂

  2. Irina

    Please lend us your Fox, Jonathan. We have so many rabbits in our yard that they eat any flowers we try to plant before they start to bloom!

  3. Galina Kovaleva

    O, real fox!

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