Kids' Nature Blog

Animals that live in parks: Moose

Pair of Moose
Moose family in a winter forest (see Moose article by the National Wildlife Federation)

Moose are the biggest species in the deer family. They grow above 6 feet tall at the shoulder and can weigh 2000 pounds!

Their antlers can grow to 6 feet from tip to tip by the end of fall. Only males have antlers, and they grow them new every year. In the breeding season, males are pretty aggressive. But females can also protect their young with powerful kicks.

They are excellent runners and swimmers, and can hold their breath under water.

They like cold climate, and mostly live in the North of North America, for example in Alaska. They even live in the cities there! There are more than 1000 moose in Anchorage, the largest city in Alaska.

Because temperatures are rising on Earth, it is getting too hot for the moose, who have thick coats of fur to survive in cold places.

Moose usually don’t live south of Maine, but recently one was spotted at Lake Frederick in Virginia. I think I saw a moose at the Highlands park, too.

It was running on the ridge of a hill, and I could see it clearly. It had antlers like a moose, but I did not have time to notice the flap on the throat. It looked like this:

What I saw…

It could have been a Fallow Deer, but it did not have spots and its antlers were not vertical:

Fallow deer (see Wikipedia article)

What do YOU think it was??!!



  1. Eugene

    Конечно, это был лось! Ведь пятен не было видно, и расстояние между Like Frederick, где видели лосей, и Highlands совсем небольшое. Я думаю, это был лось!

  2. Alexandra

    If the antlers were horizontal, then it was most likely a moose

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