Kids' Nature Blog

Lego robots: R3ptar the leprechaun catcher

My Lego robot catching a leprechaun

S.Patrick’s day was coming and we set our traps for leprechauns. Some were small, some were big, for some we needed a person to sit there. And then we thought: “Why not have a robot to catch leprechauns?! It can sit there all night and it wouldn’t fall asleep.”

And so we finished building the R3ptar robo snake, which my godmother gave me for Christmas. We set up more leprechaun traps. We went to bed.

When we woke up, our house was a leprechaun MESS!!! There was leprechaun dust, leprechaun footprints, and our traps WORKED!! But…

…we counted on only on eleprechaun to be there, but there were at least two. We found clues that the robo snake trap worked (there was leprechaun dust and footprints in the trap, and the snake had 4-leaf paper clover in its fangs!). But, we also saw that another leprechaun moved some boxes to make stairs to climb up and fetch the trapped leprechaun a rope to escape from the bucket!

My robo snake, after the leprechaun escaped…

Other traps also worked, but the leprechauns escaped anyway, AGAIN! Anyway, we got the 4-leaf clovers and found a map that they dropped… Then, we found 2 bags full of leprechaun GOLD!



  1. Sasha

    вау! страшная змея! :/

  2. Steve

    Wow! the snake is really fast! Goldie stood no chance!

  3. Jonathan


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