Kids' Nature Blog

Observe-O-Hatchery: Giant larvae surprise

Eastern Hercules beetle larvae

Remember my post about the giant larvae of the Eastern Hercules beetle? Here is an update on how the larvae are developing.

We were cleaning their cage and checking that they were all right. We also wanted to take a video of how they are moving around. When we were filming, the larger larvae suddenly pooped on my hand! That was so gross. Watch this video on how this happened:

Larvae suddenly pooping

It was so gross, that I put it back…

After the sudden larvae poop attack

In their tank, the poop is mixed up together with their food. But the larvae don’t mind it at all.


1 Comment

  1. Sasha

    Eeeeww…. but pooping is good, it means they are growing or changing (not sure)! 🙂

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