Kids' Nature Blog

All about beetles: Eastern Hercules Beetle

Eastern Hercules Beetle

Eastern Hercules Beetles live on the East Coast of North America, from New York to Florida and Texas. Theirs size is from 1 inch to 2 and half inches. It is one of the biggest and heaviest beetles in the United States!

These beetles are very strong, they can lift things that are many tmes their weight.

Guess what? I have two larvae of this beetle!

Eastern Hercules Beetle grub moving video

I made them a nice habitat and they dug tunnels in it! They eat dog food, rotten apples, and dry leaf litter and rotten wood mix!

Larvae starting to burrow
Tunnel that the bigger grub dug
Larvae in a tunnel

The larvae we have is Stage 3 larvae. It will take several months until it pupates. Sometimes, it can take a whole year for this larvae to pupate.

I hope it goes much faster for my larvae, that is why I feed it dog food and apples.

The lifecycle of the Hercules Beetle

I will publish updates as the larvae develop.

If you like giant beetles, you can also read The Bug Story series on this blog.



  1. Alexandra

    Wow! And what do adult beetles eat?

  2. Sasha

    It is going to be a beautiful beetle… I hope it has this nice grey color of the …. how is this called … carapace or something 🙂

  3. Steve

    Really amazing! Cant wait for the video of it crawling around! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Amanda Sunassee

    That is facinating. So how many days to the Pupae stage and is it really orange? Please send pictures soon:)

    • Jonathan

      Still several months to pupae stage :(… The pupae is REALLY ORANGE, may be mixed with red!

  5. Milan Brahmbhatt

    Thank you Jo! I feel like I myself am an Eastern Hercules Beetle!

  6. Galina Kovaleva

    Wow! It is amazing! Life transformation!

  7. Zoe

    jonathan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cool bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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