Kids' Nature Blog

Observe-O-Hatchery: Wolf spider eating a cricket

My pet Wolf spider

My Wolf spider is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made a habitat for her, and she spun a web on the ground. She was waiting for a tasty cricket to get caught in the web.

At the next feeding, I gave her a cricket. Look how quickly she was striking! Try not to blink or you will miss the best moment!

Wolf spider eating a cricket



  1. Alexandra

    It’s good that this monster didn’t bite… 8-]

  2. Claire Haft

    Wow that was cool to see up close, it happened so fast! How often does your wolf spider need to eat? What does it eat besides crickets?

  3. Steve

    Ok, I have changed my mind. I do not want to be a cricket! 🙂
    That was neat. I also had the question how often does the spider need to eat? A whole cricket?! Thanks for sharing!

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