Kids' Nature Blog

All About Katydids: Uncinata Predatory katydid

My predatory katydid I caught at a park

This is a Pyrgocorypha Uncinata predatory katydid I found. They are a very rare, especially because they are not supposed to live in Northern Virginia, where I found my katydid.

I found it by… I was walking down a hill in a park. Then I saw a very small bush with big leaves. I started to flip over the leaves, I flipped 2 leaves so far. When I was about to give up, I flipped over the last leaf, and I saw a pale green, and a white horned katydid. I got out my can, and covered the katydid with the can, and got it secured. Success!!

I had katydid for a month now. These are my observations on my predatory katydid:

  1. The katydid eats insect eggs and crickets.
  2. The katydid likes to climb under leaves.
  3. The katydid carefully inspects the crickets I give it before eating them.
  4. The katydid likes to climb to the top of its cage most of the time.

My predatory katydid has a horn, so this photo shows its horn profile. The horn is the main feature by which I identified it.

The horn of my predatory katydid

This is a video of my katydid eating a cricket.

My katydid eating a cricket (if you are quiet, you can hear it crunching!)

The katydid I caught is a little-studied species. I hope to observe some more observations and find out more information new to science!!!!!!



  1. Alexandra

    It is so interesting. You are amazing!

  2. Sasha

    This is super cool! it should be an amazing feeling to find such a rare species outside where scientists believe is its habitat… you can count it as a true scientific discovery, because you found something no one did before… congrats!

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