Kids' Nature Blog

Zoe’s Robo-Fairies Save the Seahorse


This book is about an inventor who made Robo-Fairies. Together, they saved the seahorse named Seahorsie, and her habitat, from plastic pollution.

Read about how bad microplastic is for everyone on Earth here, and watch a video on how to stop it here.



  1. Sasha

    Wow, Zoe, what a fantastic story! I really enjoyed it… when you grow up you can make real robo-fairies, it will be great! They will be able to help many animals.. 🙂

  2. Steve

    This is a wonderful story! I enjoyed meeting Seahorsie, I wish I had thought of such a name! And enjoyed even more the rescue by the robo-fairies who use science to save all these innocent creatures.

  3. Alexandra

    Какая интересная история! А продолжение будет?

  4. Amanda Sunassee

    Jozo 🙂 what a fabulous story. Love the colours. I wonder how the micro plastic got to the pond?
    Did you know that there are 24.4 trillion pieces of microplastics in the ocean equivalent of roughly 30 billion plastic water bottles. We will need many robo faries to clean up the oceans and maybe also find new ways to reduce plastic so we have less micro plastic in our seas, rivers and lakes.

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