Kids' Nature Blog

Animals that live in backyards: Red-Shouldered Hawk

A juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk sitting on the fence in my backyard

This is one of my first entries on my blog, from December 12, 2020. Now I am changing to a red shouldered hawk because I put it on iNaturalist, and some curators said it is actually a red shouldered hawk.

This hawk visited my backyard this Saturday!

I identified it as a red-shouldered hawk, because it has spots all over the breast, striped tail, yellow feet, brown back, and a bold black bill.

Red shouldered hawks are birds of prey. They have a brown and a white spotted back. They eat mostly small mammals, but will also eat birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and carrion.


1 Comment

  1. Alexandra

    This hawk is just handsome!

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