Kids' Nature Blog

All About Arachnids: The Cutest Bold Jumping Spider Ever

Today at my sister’s kindergarten class meeting, I got to see the cutest spider I have seen in my life! It had 3 white spots arranged in a smile face shape, green shining fangs, orange-black pedipalps (fang guards and feelers), and shining blue eyes. It also had a golden, shining, crescent-shape mark on the lower abdomen. I found it by…

I was trying to catch Common blue butterflies, admirable locusts, and mourning crescent butterflies. I got a little tired, so I went in the shade to rest. When I was about to sit on the bench, someone screamed:


I rushed to the place, and a Bold jumping spider (Phidippus audax) was resting on the underside of the bench. I was so excited! It was the second one I’ve seen in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But when I saw the eyes… Four of them were visible.

I felt like a wave of cuteness was washing over me. It was the cutest thing in my life!!!! I observed, handled, and saw how far it could jump. I calculated it jumped 30 times its BODY LENGTH!

Then we let it go in a grass field, and covered it in grass, so no one can damage it by stepping on it accidentally.

Jumping spiders are the largest family of spiders, containing 5,000 SPECIES! They are probably the most curious and intelligent spiders on Earth, scientists say. The most recent discovery of a new species of spider occurred in Australia, it was a Nemo Peacock Jumping spider. Scientists named it Maratus nemo.

They have 4 eyes in the front, and four in the back. The species I found had iridescent green-yellow fangs, and white spots, which means it is an adult.



  1. Alexandra

    4 eyes! Fantasy! How did you manage to photograph it?

  2. Eugene

    Да, замечательная фотография паука! Я посмотрел, по русски они называются пауки-скакунчики (смешное название!). И замечательные глаза — написано, что самыми большими своими глазами паук определяет расстояние до жертвы!

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