Red-winged blackbird displaying on a dead tree

While I was walking on the bridge over the swamp, I saw a black dot with flashing areas of yellow and bright red. I came closer, and realized it was a red winged blackbird! This red winged blackbird may have been doing its display of wing feather fluffing and moving.

Red winged blackbirds are a kind of bird that live in brush near swamps, ponds, lakes, farmlands, and frequently flooded forests. This bird likes to take cover in semi-underwater bushes and grass. This bird builds its nest near the ground in cattail thickets. The raccoon preys on this specie’s eggs, young, and fledglings. These birds can drive away birds many times larger then they are, which include…

  1. Osprey
  2. Great blue heron
  3. Bald eagle
  4. Red shouldered hawk
  5. Red tailed hawk
  6. Short eared owl
  7. Long eared owl
  8. Pelican

The male is black with a yellow and red wing patch, and is very easy to identify.

To identify the female, look at its colors. This is essential in identification. The main colorations are the light orange forehead spot above the bill, streaked chest, and brown upperparts.

Wikipedia page
