Kids' Nature Blog

Observe-O-Hatchery: The Giant Larvae Pupates!

Our larvae pupating at last!

Do you remember my posts about the Eastern Hercules beetle larvae and the Giant Larvae Surprise? I cannot believe how patient I am! I waited for 9 months for these larvae to pupate! Finally, it made itself a pupal chamber in shape of a ball.

Larvae’s pupal chamber

Unfortunately, we broke this chamber, by mistake (oooops!). But the larvae was not pupated yet, so it abandoned the broken chamber and built a new one. The new one is much bigger, but we do not dare to dig it out. If it breaks during the pupation process, the beetle might come out missing parts of its body, like a leg or puffed up horns, or even missing elytra.

So I have to be very patient and wait for the beetle to emerge. Another 3 WEEKS have already passed since then, and the beetles still have not emerged. Usually, it takes 18 days, but it is taking a bit longer. I hope this means that we have a male beetle, with the long horn.

While we wait, you can watch this super cool video to see what happens inside of the chamber. It also shows the whole process of transformation from Stage 1 larvae to adult Hercules Beetle. I think this video is AWESOME!!!

Cool National Geographic video about the giant Hercules Beetle matamorphisis

I cannot wait to update you when the beetles emerge!!!



  1. Alexandra

    I really want to see the finished rhino beetle as soon as possible

  2. Katia

    These larvae have been great pets. 🙂 Cannot wait till they transform into the big horned beetles. You fed them well with dog food, so hope they are giant!

  3. Sasha

    This is amazing! It will have gargantuan horns!!! ☺

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