Kids' Nature Blog

Jonathan’s Tarantulas: Cuban Bronze

This is my Cuban bronze tarantula. He is a male. I named him Aragog Junior. His size is about 3 inches.

His habitat has these items. It has grass near a rock, some moss and plastic plants, coconut shred substrate, a water dish, and a hollow coconut house. It sometimes uses its hollow coconut home incorrectly: it hides behind it, and not inside it.

Aragog Junior’s habitat

This tarantula is very active. It cannot be handled because it is so fast, ferocious, and bites everything that moves. It loves eating the crickets I feed it. Here a video of Aragog junior wrapping a cricket with his silk.

And now… Prepare for the scariest video. In slow motion!

Were you scared? I wasn’t scared. It was just cool.



  1. Katia

    I love your new tarantula. Welcome home, Aragog Jr! The last video is AMAZING, but very scary…

  2. Steve

    Wow! Impressive! I like Aragog Jr.’s hairy legs but they make my skin tingle just looking at them. The ‘attack’ … was quite ferocious! gives ‘fast food’ a new meaning!

  3. Zoe

    I love your tarantula!!!

  4. Sasha

    I watched again… really scary stuff.. Looks like real video from Natural Geographic!

    I also thought of Aragog, btw…. 🙂

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